From the European South

a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities

8 (2021)

Maps, mappings and cartographic imaginings

Recently, the panorama of map studies has flourished into many different directions, opening to the intellectual mixing of various domains because of the current reassessment of the widespread interest in cartography in disparate fields. While the humanities have been progressively charmed by the ‘figure’ of the map, a transdisciplinary and transmedial field of cartographic humanities is emerging to endorse a much-needed new cultural perspective on the realm of maps and mapping.

Table of Contents

Creative interventions


  • Cartografare la violenza, preservare gli orizzonti soggettivi: le sfide della forma nelle mappe di Jean-David Nkot

    Jean-David Nkot, Farah Polato, Tania Rossetto
    [pp. 153-166]


  • Mapping and making visual stories

    Juliet J. Fall on Quartieri: viaggio al centro delle periferie italiane by Adriano Cancellieri and Giada Peterle
    [pp. 179-184]

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