focus and scope
From the European South: a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities is a refereed, open access e-journal that publishes articles, reviews, interviews, and creative interventions exploring the various facets – textual, figural, artistic, spatial, historical, social, political – of the postcolonial across the wide spectrum of the humanities.
It stems from the postcolonialitalia research project at the University of Padua, and intends to be a forum for the scientific research and conversations of scholars, intellectuals and artists who are based/located in the European South or involved in and contributing to debates of/from the Global South.
The title refers to a provocative theoretical location, rather than an identifiable geo-political region, connected to the notion of the ‘Global South’, which has become shorthand for the world of non-European postcolonial peoples, and to the ‘diffused’, percolating, entangled Souths of contemporary migrations.
The journal does not confine its attentions to any single place, region or discipline. It publishes original and challenging contributions from all over the world, and it aims to generate a productive dialogue and exchange between theorists and writers in disparate locations.
In order to remain critical of academically instituted forms of cultural knowledge production, the journal is committed to a rigorous analysis of the neocolonial and uneven power relationships between the North and the South at the crossroads of class, gender, religion, ethnic belonging, and race.
section policies
open submissions | indexed | peer reviewed |
open submissions | indexed | peer reviewed |
open submissions | indexed | peer reviewed |
book reviews
open submissions | indexed | peer reviewed |
peer review process
All articles submitted to the Editorial Board are subjected to an anonymous peer review by two reviewers. The reviewers’ recommendations are taken into consideration by the editor handling the submission, in order to formulate publication and revision decisions.
publication frequency
From the European South started as an annual journal in 2016. Since 2019, it has been published twice a year.
open access policy
From the European South provides open access to all of its contents to make research and current intellectual and scientific debate freely available.
No publication/submission/waiver policy charges are applied.

This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Citations of the author’s work must be accompanied by reference to the author and to the journal as source (year, volume, and page).