issue 17 | Race and the Multiple Souths in the Long Nineteenth Century | fall 2025
Guest editors: M. Giulia Fabi (Università di Ferrara), John Gruesser (Kean University, NJ) April Logan (Salisbury University, MD) Deadline for submitting final accepted articles: May 30, 2025 Issue 17 of From the European South will center on literary representations of multiple Souths by people of African descent in the United States or Europe during the […]
issue 16 | IMAGINATIVE KIN-MAKING. Narrating alternative forms of kinship in survival literature and fiction | spring 2025
Call for issue 16 spring 2025: IMAGINATIVE KIN-MAKING. Narrating alternative forms of kinship in survival literature and fiction. Guest editors: Rossella Ciocca and Marta Cariello. Deadline for article submission: October 15th, 2024 Deadline for submitting final accepted articles: December 15th, 2024 In Making Kin in the Chthulucene: Reproducing Multispecies Justice (2018), Donna Haraway engaged in […]
Past Calls
issue 14 | on the beat: owning/reclaiming time against white chronocentrism | spring 2024
Call for Issue 14 Spring 2024: On the Beat. Owning/Reclaiming Time against White Chronocentrism. Guest editors: Anna Scacchi and Marco Petrelli Deadline for article submission: September 30th, 2023 While the role of space as a racializing tool has received much attention in a wide body of literature, time as an instrument of surveillance, control and […]
issue 13 | special focus | postcolonial environmental humanities | fall 2023
FES 13 (2023) Call for Special Focus on POSTCOLONIAL ENVIRONMENTAL HUMANITIES. Starting from Issue 13 (Fall 2023), From the European South will devote a Special focus of its next three open issues (Fall 2023, 2024, 2025) to the urgent and widening debate on the Postcolonial Environmental Humanities. Over a decade ago, in his influential study […]
issue 13 | open issue | fall 2023
Open Call for Issue 13 Fall 2023 Issue 13 of From the European South (FES) is open to contributions that speak to the core interests of the journal. Please see the policies section of FES on our website. Issue 11 welcomes unpublished, original contributions that sparkle productive dialogues between the postcolonial and other critical perspectives […]
Issue 12 | Razzismo e antirazzismo in Italia | Spring 2023
RAZZISMO E ANTIRAZZISMO IN ITALIA Saperi e pratiche decoloniali nell’università italiana Guest editors: Tatiana Petrovich Njegosh e Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz Issue 12 di From the European South raccoglie analisi accademiche e militanti in prospettiva intersezionale e interdisciplinare su alcuni dei principali aspetti della storia del razzismo in Italia, sulle connessioni con le attuali forme di […]
issue 11 | special focus | fall 2022
HOW DO WE LISTEN TO COLONIALISM? (ITALY AND BEYOND) Guest editors: Gianpaolo Chiriacò, Alessandra Ferlito, Emilio Tamburini The aim of this FES Special focus (Fall 2022) is to investigate the concept of sonic memory as it relates to colonialism, with a particular interest in – but not limited to – the history of Italian colonialism. […]
issue 11 | general call | fall 2022
Issue 11 of From the European South (FES) is open to contributions that speak to the core interests of the journal. Please see the policies section of FES on our website. Issue 11 welcomes unpublished, original contributions that sparkle productive dialogues between the postcolonial and other critical perspectives (such as decolonial, global, environmental, gender studies […]
issue 10 | Aftermaths. Vulnerable Times, Vanishing Places, Toxic Erasures | spring 2022
In this issue of FES 10 we intend to sound the depths of our post-virus world. The virus has only worked viciously to amplify existing unequal relations of power, biopolitical exposedness and vulnerability, in particular for people of colour, women, refugees, prisoners and other marginalised voices. Regimes of toxic erasure and selective memories have not only worked to […]
9 (2021) | general issue
Issue 9 of From the European South is open to contributions that speak to the core interests of the journal. It welcomes unpublished, original contributions that sparkle productive dialogues between the postcolonial and other critical perspectives (such as decolonial, global, environmental, gender studies and critical theory), as well as different disciplines and geo-cultural locations. The journal is […]
8 (2021) | maps, mappings and cartographic imaginings
Issue 8 of From the European South welcomes unpublished and original contributions concerning maps, mappings and cartographic imaginings of colonial and postcolonial issues, with a peculiar but not exclusive focus on border crossings, migration crises, everyday multiculturalism and so–called ‘commonplace diversity’. Recently, the panorama of map studies has flourished into many different directions, opening to […]
7 (2020) | general issue
Issue 7 of From the European South (FES) is open to contributions that speak to the core interests of the journal. Please see the focus and scope section of FES on our website ( Issue 7 welcomes unpublished, original contributions that sparkle productive dialogues between the postcolonial and other critical perspectives (such as decolonial, global, […]
6 (2020) | anticolonialismo e postcolonialismo nelle arti visive: prospettive italiane
Issue 6 (Spring 2020) of From the European South welcomes unpublished and original con- tributions dedicated to the visual arts which, from the 1960s to today, have dealt with decolo- nial and postcolonial history. We urge an ‘Italian perspective’, to be understood both as Italian artists interested in struggles and the decolonial process, in colonial […]
5 (2019) | general issue
The next issue of From the European South (FES) is open to contributions that speak to the core interests of the journal. Please see the focus and scope section of FES on our website ( Issue 5 welcomes unpublished, original contributions that sparkle productive dialogues between the postcolonial and other critical perspectives (such as decolonial, […]
4 (2019) | africa’s planetary futures
What’s new about Africa in the 21st century? Africa is experiencing a momentous technological turn and undergoing vast spatial and temporal reconfigurations, which have to do with the acceleration of the dynamics of mobility and circulation, structural demographic shifts and attendant issues of social health, the emergence of new urban forms and life styles, as […]
3 (2018) | general issue
The next issue of From the European South (FES) is open to contributions that speak to the core interests of the journal. Please see the focus and scope section of FES on our website ( Issue 3 welcomes unpublished, original contributions that sparkle productive dialogues between the postcolonial and other critical perspectives (such as decolonial, […]
2 (2017) | insurgencies from the south and human rights
In line with the mission of From the European South, issue number two aims at investigating insurgent actions and discourses from the South, intended as collective and/or individual examples of forceful claiming and revising of human rights from ex-centric perspectives. The ‘South’, as an idea and as a conceptual notion, has recently experienced a re-positioning […]
1 (2016) | archivi del futuro, il postcoloniale e il tempo a venire
Il primo numero di From the European South invita studiosi delle scienze umane e sociali a sondare la presenza e le potenzialità del pensiero e delle pratiche d’intervento del paradigma postcoloniale nel contesto italiano. Scopo principale è promuovere un’analisi dell’impatto della prospettiva postcoloniale su forme, modi e contenuti del sapere nella tradizione culturale italiana, e […]