From the European South

a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities

Cartografare la violenza, preservare gli orizzonti soggettivi: le sfide della forma nelle mappe di Jean-David Nkot

Jean-David Nkot, Farah Polato, Tania Rossetto


Carthografying violence, preserving subjective horizons: the challenges of form in Jean-David Nkot’s maps. Jean-David Nkot’s aesthetic research is devoted to question the notion and practices of violence in the contemporary globalized world. Looking for artistic forms to represent and locate these practices, Nkot’s work is confronted with material objects, such as stamps and maps. He shows their relationship with dominant structures and subverts their symbolic compositional structure. In Nkot’s work, on the one hand, the so-called ‘subaltern subjects’ dominate and take position in space. On the other hand, maps shape different spaces that include personal desires and the imagination of a new life in the future.


space, violence, imagination, map art



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