From the European South

a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities

Code of conduct

The present code of conduct is based on COPE’s (Committee on Publication Ethics) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

From the European South is a blind peer-reviewed journal. The following code of conduct provides the standards agreed upon by all parties involved in the publication process – the members of the editorial board, the international committee, the authors, and the reviewers.

1. duties and responsibilities of the editorial organs

The Editor and the Editorial Board, together with the International Committee, are responsible for what is published in From the European South. This implies the existence of a process assuring the quality of the published material, such as the election of articles submitted as a response to a CfP, and a blind peer review procedure. The Editor and the Editorial Board regulate copyright infringement, plagiarism, and defamation. They are equally committed to defend freedom of expression and fair evaluation, devoid of any biases concerning race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, political or religious beliefs.
The Editorial Board regularly organizes meetings in which publication choices and procedures are discussed; all the members are invited to participate.

2. relations with the authors and their duties

Any information exchanged between authors and the Editorial Board is strictly confidential, and will not be made known to anyone other than the corresponding authors, the editorial staff, and possible reviewers, when necessary. No unpublished material will be disclosed without the express written consent of the author, who retains copyright and all other rights for materials submitted to From the European South.
From the European South does not consider papers under revisions for other journals, book, etc. The journal does not consider already published materials, not even in a translated version. Each submitted article must be original; authors must acknowledge their sources, and identify cited material.
For the publication in From the European South, materials must meet the standards of the journal: to be in line with its focus and scope, as explicated here; receive positive blind reviews; show originality, clarity, and scientific validity.
Authorship is limited to those who have actively contributed to the research and composition of the article. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that no inappropriate authors are listed on the essay. In the case of co-authors, it is the responsibility of the corresponding author to guarantee that all authors have seen and approved the submitted material.
It is the duty of the author to communicate to the Editor/Editorial Board any errors found in the publication.

3. duties and responsibilities of reviewers

Reviewers are part of the process contributing to the final decision for publication/rejection of submitted articles. The Editorial Board provides the reviewers with the evaluation form and its guidelines. Reviewers must comply with standards of objectivity, by avoiding personal criticism and defending the freedom of expression and fair evaluation, devoid of any biases concerning race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, political or religious beliefs. Referees’ judgment must be expressed critically and clearly, supported by appropriate justification.
Reviewers must ensure the protection of data by accepting the journal’s standards of confidentiality; discussion or disclosure of an article’s content is subjected to the editor’s authorization. Reviewers must notify the Editor/Editorial Board in case of suspected plagiarism.

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