Per un Mediterraneo dei contrappunti tra mal d'archivio e nuove epistemologie
Filippo Silvestri
For a contrapuntal Mediterranean: between archive fever and new epistemologies. This contribution moves from a philosophical point of view. It aims to serve as an epistemological problem evaluation and then as an archive of some fundamental themes of the political situation in the Western world, particularly Europe. This framework will be used as an analytical tool for some postcolonial “contrappunti.” In the present case I will discuss, from a deconstructionist point of view, some fluidifying coordinates of thought, that date back to the thought of W. Benjamin, G. Bachelard, M. Foucault, M. Cacciari, G. Deleuze, and J. Derrida. These perspectives will be combined with those of E. Said, H. Bhabha, F. Cassano, I. Chambers, S. Mezzadra, A. Dal Lago, P. Frascani, which are equally deconstructionist, though otherwise inspired. The Mediterranean Sea is the problematic benchmark, because of its historical and geographical scene of new crossing migrations. These create arevolutionary message according to a thought that is not harmonious, in continuous evolution and yet "inactual."
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