From the European South

a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities

La giusta distanza: Ezio Bassani e l'arte africana

Marta Nezzo


The right point of view: Ezio Bassani and African Art. This contribution aims to investigate the development of Italian methodology in African Arts Studies in the Seventies, through an analysis of Ezio Bassani’s career as a researcher. After working as a clerk in an international commercial firm for a long time, Bassani became a scholar and a writer, especially interested in the African objects preserved in ancient Italian collections. In the first years of this new experience, his close encounter with Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti and his great enthusiasm for this kind of topics resulted in a series of essays, published in the Art History review named Critica d’arte. Today these contributions allow us to understand how much Bassani was inspired both by western classical art history and by the postcolonial perspective.


African art, Non-European art, History of Art Criticism, Ezio Bassani, Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti



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