From the European South

a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities

Immaginare l’indipendenza: il contributo visuale italiano nelle lotte anticoloniali delle ex colonie portoghesi in Africa

Francesca De Rosa


Imagining independence: The Italian visual contribution in the anti-colonial struggles of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. The following essay aims to be an examination of the dynamics of the struggles of liberation from the Portuguese empire, the processes of decolonization and the end of the Estado Novo, through the analysis of the film and visual heritage produced in the international context, specifically the Italian one, more than forty years from the liberation of the Portuguese colonies. In the 1960s and 1970s, unlike many other European and Western countries, Italy showed a growing attention to what was happening in the Portuguese colonies in Africa, developing an intense activity of solidarity with the liberation movements (PAIGC, FRELIMO and MPLA). In an attempt to undertake a more systematic analysis of that experience before it is totally lost, the following work aims to study the audiovisual and photographic productions produced in those years: documentaries, films, photojournalism projects realized in Angola, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique. Nelli, Conchiglia, de Stefani, Lucas, Alfredo, Cigarini, Massobrio and Bedei are the most famous in this rich panorama of reporters and filmmakers who supported the liberation movements.


postcolonial visual studies, international solidarity movements; anticolonial struggle, cinema ‘guerrilla’, Lusophone Africa



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