From the European South

a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities

8 (2021) | maps, mappings and cartographic imaginings

Issue 8 of From the European South welcomes unpublished and original contributions concerning maps, mappings and cartographic imaginings of colonial and postcolonial issues, with a peculiar but not exclusive focus on border crossings, migration crises, everyday multiculturalism and socalled ‘commonplace diversity’. Recently, the panorama of map studies has flourished into many different directions, opening to the intellectual mixing of various domains because of the current reassessment of the widespread interest in cartography in disparate fields. While the humanities have been progressively charmed by the ‘figure’ of the map, a transdisciplinary and transmedial field of cartographic humanities is emerging to endorse a muchneeded new cultural perspective on the realm of maps and mapping. In an era characterized by the pervasive presence ofand new taste forcartographic imagery in everyday life, polymedia narratives and artistic expressions, how does this germinative field intersect with the postcolonial humanities?

We invite you to submit articles, reviews, interviews, creative interventions. Possible topics may include:
theorising and forging the connections between the cartographic and the postcolonial humanities

offering cultural readings of colonial cartography and postcolonial mappings

exploring the role of cartographic practice and aesthetics within contexts of everyday multiculturalism and commonplace diversity

interpreting cartographic imagery in visual, audiovisual, graphic, performative, new media arts or literary works dealing with colonial/postcolonial/migration/diversity issues

presenting creative interventions mixing maplike imagery and postcolonial themes

Papers and interventions referring to the European/Global South are particularly endorsed.

Please see the focus and scope section of FES before submitting your work.

Please send your proposals for articles, reviews, interviews or creative interventions to Tania
Rossetto ( and Farah Polato (

Deadline for article submission: July 31st, 2020

Deadline for submitting accepted articles: November 15th, 2020

Deadline for reviews, interviews, and creative interventions: November
15th, 2020

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