La teoria della sostituzione etnica in Italia: una narrazione razzista e sessista
The Great Replacement Theory in Italy: A Racist and Sexist Narrative. Great replacement theories, in Italian teorie della sostituzione etnica (ethnic replacement theories) have been circulating in Italy since 2013. These transnational post-truth conspiracy narratives are investigated, in a few studies, as quasi-Foucaultian epistemic regimes with specific rules, roles and effects in contexts of crisis affected by information disorder. This article argues that Great replacement theories are widely spread narratives that should be considered, acknowledging the structural, operative intertwining of racism and sexism. Thriving where forms of systemic racism and sexism already exist, these transnational narratives revamp and specifically reshape the quintessential race and sex junction rooted in Euro-American institutional racisms in order to justify and reproduce racism and sexism both discursively and practically.
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Great Replacement theory, race, racism, sexism, Italy