From the European South

a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities

L''arte' di esporre il colonialismo italiano: una storia rimossa

Viviana Gravano su Esporre l'Italia coloniale. Interpretazioni dell'alterità di Giuliana Tomasella


In Italy, over the last three decades, a careful analysis of the imaginaries of the different phases of Italian colonialism has developed which, in a guilty and voluntary manner, was neglected in the post-war Republican era. The volume by Giuliana Tomasella, Esporre l’Italia coloniale. Interpretazioni dell’alterità (2017) draws a detailed history of the relationship that ‘official art’ has had with the construction and then with the affirmation of the colonial imagery in Italy, in relation both to the colonized populations and to the countries outside Europe involved in colonial invasions by other nations close to Italy. The book then tells of the practices of imaginative creation of otherness, ranging from the inferiorization of the others to the paternalistic definition of the good savage.


colonial exhibitions, colonialism, imaginaries, art, colonial Italy, postcolonial, decolonization



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