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Ines Briganti su La ragazza che parlava zulu e altri racconti di Elleke Boehmer
La ragazza che parlava zulu e altri racconti is a collection of short stories that translates for the Italian reading public South African writer Elleke Boehmer’s Sharmilla, and Other Portraits, published by Jacana (Johannesburg) in 2010. The stories frame moments of daily life, everyday details, family and amicable relationships on the backdrop of apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa. The history of the nation and the diverse perspectives from which it may be told and interiorised by people are central to the narrative. However, they remain in the background, being filtered through the life stories of the characters: children, ordinary people, and historical giants such as Nelson Mandela and Robert Sobukwe, who appear in the short story “Robben Island.”
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South Africa, apartheid, post-apartheid, race, identity, language, storytelling