From the European South

a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities

Da portatori di bisogni a portatori di diritti

Davide Zoletto su Dalla parte degli ultimi di Roberto Sardelli e Massimiliano Fiorucci


“Scuola 725” (the 725 School) was established in 1968 by Italian educator Roberto Sardelli, among the ‘shacks’ of the “Acquedotto Felice” in Rome, where hundreds of internal migrants from Central and Southern Italy at that time lived in poor conditions. The aim of Sardelli was to emanci-pate the children of the migrants living in the shacks, raising their awareness of their own rights. This contribution focuses on two recently published books, which cast a new light on the educa-tional and cultural experience of “Scuola 725” and highlight that Sardelli’s emancipatory approach can still be relevant within current research in postcolonial and intercultural pedagogy.


Roberto Sardelli, 725 School, emancipatory pedagogy, postcolonial education, popular education



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