From the European South

a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities

Homi Bhabha at the University of Padua: a conversation

Annalisa Oboe and Unipd students


Homi Bhabha visited the University of Padua on 6 June, 2018 and delivered a public lecture entitled “Migrations, Human Rights, Survival: The Role of the Humanities,” of which an excerpt appears in the present issue of FES. On that same occasion, Professor Bhabha was kind enough to accept an interview with my PhD and MA students in contemporary literatures and postcolonial studies. We all sat around the spectacular Gio Ponti table in the dining room of the Rectorate at Palazzo Bo, the University headquarters, and started an earnest, wide-ranging conversation, which juggled a series of ideas and comments we decided to share with our readers. What follows is a transcription of our dialogue. With deep gratitude for our guest’s generosity and thanks to all involved.


intellectual connections, Frantz Fanon, migration, racism, contemporary politics, humanities, gender studies, Parsis



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