From the European South

a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities

Quando è stato archiviato il colonialismo italiano?

Antonio M. Morone


When did Italian colonialism end? During the Second World War, the collapse of the Italian colonial empire did not immediately provoke the relinquishment of colonial institutions, policies, and practices. Until 1947, the new Republic of Italy pursued a strategy aimed at recovering its former colonies. This neocolonial policy shaped and contributed to spread a neo-colonialist discourse that consolidated a number of myths and narratives on the history of Italian colonialism. Not only the memory of the previous colonial rule, but especially the strategy of going back to Africa have been pivotal until today in order to reinvent and reshape the national character and the idea of ‘Italianità’. The paper traces the steps that Italy took in the early stages of this neo-colonial project.




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